I was reminded of an old blog so wanted to return to the idea behind it.
How many of us have stood in front of the mirror and immediately trashed ourselves on seeing our image reflected back at us? I know I have, and countless girlfriends have too. I apologise to the men as I can only write from a female perspective but am well aware this is not a gender issue, this is a people issue and we need to break the cycle.
So, here's a little exercise for you. Go find pics on your phone of friends, happy pics when you were doing something fun. Now find pics of folk you think are attractive for whatever reason, maybe you like their dress sense, maybe you like their giggle or smile - whatever reason find the pics of people you find attractive. Now, print them off and tape them all around your mirror. Yep, I know this sounds silly but humour me, fill the edge of that mirror with lots of pictures of people, friends, strangers, internet pictures - it doesn't matter who just lots and lots of images that make you smile for whatever reason.
Now, I want you to stand in front of that same mirror and make horrible negative comments to each and every one of those pictures. Go on, find something you don't like. Their boobs are too small, their shoulders are too rounded, those jeans make their bum look big. You get the idea, you've been doing it to yourself for years so dish it out to others!
Right, how do you feel?? Probably a bit shit if you're being honest. You don't know some of these people and the others are your friends - you would never dream of going up to them and saying wow your bum looks massive in those jeans! You just wouldn't, that's not friendship that's just plain mean.
SO WHY IS IT OK TO SAY IT TO YOURSELF???? bottom line, it isn't!
Now, second exercise - keep the pictures of your friends but this time add a post it note under each image. Write something positive they say or have said about you, or thanked you for something you did that helped them.
Now when you look in the mirror see all the wonderful things folk think about you, see your friendship group around you and please stop saying negative things to yourself. You would never do it to anyone else, exercise one proved that so now you have to imagine they are around you listening to your negativity and getting annoyed you are focusing on an outer shell and not living your best life because you're worried about a wobbly bit of tummy (that probably housed babies so ever likely to be a little wobbly!) or legs that don't quite fit into skinny jeans anymore. Who cares, they like YOU not your waist size!
So get out there, live your life and enjoy being you!
Pixie x
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